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HOG Route 77 KL Chapter 4th Anniversary & International Women's Day Ride

HOG R77 KL Chapter 2024 committee organised the 1st ride for the year on 2nd March 2024 with more than 60 bikers participating in this event.

It was indeed a special day as it also marked HOG R77 KL 4th year anniversary and International Women's Day. 

The celebration kicked off with a Breakfast Ride to Kuala Kubu Baru, followed by Lunch and Cake cutting ceremony to mark HOG's 4th Anniversary.

In conjunction with International Women's Day, we invited a special guest, Leona Chin, who rode with us, to share her experience in motorsports as a female excelling in a male dominated sport. 

As a token of appreciation and respect, all female riders and pillions were given Ladies of Harley patches. 

Everyone had a blast with big smiles on their faces, excitingly anticipating the next adventure.